How public opinion is manipulated away from the root of Child Sexual Abuse

“Politics are usually the executive expression of human immaturity.“ Vera Brittain (1964) The Rebel Passion: A Short History of Some Pioneer Peace-Makers Meet the EU’s alleged fight against Child Sexual Abuse; its proposed regulation against Online Child Sexual Abuse Material, or short CSAM. journalists, whistleblowers and freedom of speech subject … Continue reading

The scapegoat culture in child sexual abuse: meet Calimero

In child sexual abuse, Men perpetrators abuse the calimero position thanks to false abuse accusations against men. Women perpetrators abuse the calimero position thanks to falsely dismissed women victims.

The scapegoat culture in child sexual abuse: meet Calimero The recent avalanche of child sexual abuse revelations in the press, and the documentary Godvergeten, about how the church and the state still don’t deal with child sexual abuse, remain vivid topics of disgust. It appears the recent revelations of child … Continue reading

Switzerland is the Auschwitz of Child Sexual Abuse

Switzerland is the Auschwitz of Child Sexual Abuse

What happened yesterday thwarts all imagination. A report on Child Sexual Abuse came out in Switzerland. Both the authorities and the church reacted. I need to write, I need to vent. Discover with me the true nature of Switzerland … The report The report released September 12th 2023 is titled … Continue reading

Learning from History?

The white march in Brussels, 1996, demanding non recurrence by authorities in child sexual abuse case handling mistakes

Learning from History? Nations and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted upon any lessons they might have drawn from it What experience and history teach is this – that nations and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted upon any lessons they might have drawn … Continue reading