Local Support

Local Support Groups

local support groupsThere are an ever increasing number of survivors who are now breaking the silence and coming forward to either report their abuse or to start the lengthy healing process.  However, it is still relatively difficult to find local help. As the overall awareness for survivors to start the healing process increases, there is a growing opinion that professional help is the main facilitator for that process.  This professional guidance comes at a cost.

The financial burden of receiving professional one-to-one therapy can be prohibitive for many survivors. Even though many therapists/counsellors offer concessions for low income households the bills can soon mount up.  It probably isn’t possible to put a cost on ‘healing’ in the same manner that you can’t put a worth on your ‘health’; its probably priceless.  Our recent survey results certainly shows the balance of survivors who have sought professional help and the amount of money they have expended on that need; the figures are eye watering!

There are many alternatives to professional help but arguably none of them come close to the proper care a survivor really needs.  Self help books, internet forums and internet sites can all go some way to showing the survivor the healing path by providing information and support to those in need.  One large area that is often over-looked is the need for survivors to unburden their troubles on a personal basis. An internet forum can provide a platform for this issue but the responses can be limited and they certainly aren’t instantaneous.  So if these aren’t the answer and professional help is unobtainable, what can a survivor do?

Local support groups are an excellent way for survivors to get together and share their stories in a structured and semi-professional environment.  Most support groups are free or at the very least, affordable.  There are several different types of support groups ranging from therapist led ones down to friendly informal groups.  Our Support Map may be able to provide you with the location of a group or meeting that is taking pace near you.  Our map also shows how few and far between these groups are, so in fact, what could be used a very useful tool by many survivors is often unreachable too.

There is an answer though!  It may seem like a far out idea but you could start a local support group yourself!  I can hear all of the self-doubters breathing a sigh of disbelief but it’s true.  Its fairly easy to set up and extremely rewarding too!

Over the next few blogs we will be addressing exactly how to set up and run your own Child Abuse Survivors’ Local Support Group……..

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Support, Information and Guidance for adult victims of child abuse and their support networks.

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