Flashback Management


Flashback Management in Treatment of Complex PTSD A significant percentage of adults who suffered ongoing abuse or neglect in childhood suffer from Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. One of the most difficult features of this type of PTSD is extreme susceptibility to painful emotional flashbacks. Emotional flashbacks are sudden and … Continue reading

Nurturing Physical And Mental Health Are Key To Abuse Recovery

Nurturing Physical And Mental Health Are Key To Abuse Recovery Experiencing child abuse has specific effects on human health and wellbeing. Research shows, for instance, that in organizations such as the armed forces, a far higher percentage of mental health disorders (28.7%) can be attributed to past child abuse experiences (compared to … Continue reading

Part 3 – The Important Truth


Part 3 – The Important Truth What about false accusations? How do I know you’re telling the truth? I cannot speak much into this question about false accusations, as I have not personally met anyone who spoke of their sexual abuse/assault that I have come to believe was a falsehood. … Continue reading

Part 1 – An Important Truth

An Important Truth Why do many victims of sexual abuse/assault not tell anyone or report it when it happens? Sexual assault/abuse is a darkness which – without notice – steals another person’s: Innocence, respect, core value, self-esteem, physical protection and boundaries, sexual integrity, voice, safety, security and trust. Besides what … Continue reading

The Cycle of Abuse

making your first post

The Cycle of Abuse It is massively confusing when the pain of the abuse you are experiencing, is so immense that the need to hide and protect yourself, clashes with your default yearning to be able to love the person hurting you; this is especially the case when your abuser … Continue reading



Mindfulness Mid way into therapy, I was finding that I was disappearing off in to my head, completely consumed with the recovery of memories, and trapped, with increasingly powerful flashbacks and no escape. Overwhelming, is such a clichéd word and over used, but it does sum up the experience (or … Continue reading

Life After Therapy

end of therapy

Life after therapy The first part of this piece, contains extracts taken from journal entries, because I think they accurately depict the state of mind I had from day to day, after therapy initially ended. I really wanted to capture how I was feeling at the time in this piece, … Continue reading