Jockey Daughter

Jocket Daughter

Jockey Daughter My pen name is Tracey Cooper and I wrote the book, Jockey Daughter: I Do Not Have to Be Beaten to Cross the Finish Line. As readers, you may not believe this, but my siblings and I do not feel like “victims” because today we have such wonderful … Continue reading

Effects of child abuse and neglect for adult survivors

abuse and neglect havoca

Effects of child abuse and neglect for adult survivors by Cathryn Hunter, Senior Research Officer with the Child Family Community Australia information exchange at the Australian Institute of Family Studies. Experiencing abuse and neglect in childhood can lead to adverse outcomes in adulthood. The purpose of this blog is to … Continue reading

Preparing for Surgery – A Survivors Guide

survivors child abuse preparing for surgery

Preparing for Surgery: Suggestions for Survivors By Lynne M. Constantine and Suzanne Scott Impending surgery generates a certain amount of anxiety in almost everyone. The thought of being put to sleep and operated on, no matter how routine and safe the procedure, is unpleasant at best. Many people fear waking … Continue reading

Assessing the Cost of Trauma

havoca trauma and recovery

Assessing the Cost of Trauma By Mary Anne Reilly Looking at the correlation between physical and mental health problems and a history of sexual abuse will require us to reassess how we analyze and diagnose physical and mental illness. This, of course, will take time and cost money. But the … Continue reading