Affirmations: Self-esteem
The more I like myself the more others like themselves.
I am a happy, healthy, wholesome, beautiful, positive, prosperous person.
I am a unique and priceless person, coming from a unique and perfect pattern within me.
I am an extremely well liked and pleasing person.
I am extremely successful in everything I do and say.
I give myself all the permission I need to do what I know is best.
I trust and rely upon my excellent sense of judgement in everything I do.
I am the best judge of what is best for me, and I trust my judgement completely.
I have complete and unconditional worth as a person in this universe.
I am fully competent and capable in everything that I decide to do.
All of my accomplishments are because I am a fully functioning, capable, competent human being.
My worth as a human being is unconditional, and other people unconditionally like me.
I am respected and well-liked by all people that I know.
I accept and acknowledge unconditionally my individuality and unique personality.
I respect myself, I respect all other persons, and all other people respect me.
I can trust myself completely as my life unfolds to create my own unique story. I am highly creative, intelligent, attractive, energetic, sexy, witty, smart, healthy, wealthy, and wise.
I am an extremely well liked and pleasing person.
I am a self determined person, and I allow others the same right.
I can say No to other people and know I remain loved and cared for.
Other people have the right to say No to me and I know that we still love and care for each other.
I have the right and responsibility to express my anger and remain loved, and I take responsibility to clean up any mess and restore harmony when appropriate.
I love myself unconditionally just as I am.
The following is a list of 110 self-nurturing ideas that
have to do with “Esteem Needs.” Do at least one of these activities every
* Psysiological Needs:
o Eat breakfast
o Take a nap
o Break a bad habit, if just for today
o Get at least 7 hours sleep
o Drink 8 glasses of water today
o Eat a healthy snack
* Safety Needs:
o Repair something in your home
o Learn how to protect your health
o Wear a seat belt
* Belonging and Love Needs:
o Call your mother or father
o Search out a long-lost friend
o Open up to the person closest to you
o Pay a compliment
o Turn off the TV and talk
o Get to know the neighbor’s dog or cat
o Listen to what you hear
o Tell someone you love him or her
o Hold a hand
o Hug someone
o Contact someone you’ve been thinking about
o Admire a child
o Get to know the neighbors
o Kiss a friend
o Tell someone how much you appreciate him or her
* Esteem Needs:
o Blow up a balloon and turn it loose
o Make your own candles
o Walk instead of ride
o Give yourself a compliment
o Read a poem aloud
o Look at the stars
o Use a new word
o Frame a picture
o Forget an old grudge
o Take yourself to lunch
o Go to the library
o Try a new food
o Listen to the rain on the roof
o Feed the ducks
o Jump in a pile of leaves
o Appreciate trees
o Sign up for a class
o Study a dew-laden cobweb
o Learn something new
o Sing in the shower
o List ten things you do well
o Walk in the rain
o Waste a little time
o Curl up before an open fire
o Buy a ticket to a special event
o Return something you’ve borrowed
o Organize some small corner of your life
o Pop popcorn
o Draw a picture, even if you can’t draw
o Keep a secret
o Enjoy silence
o Walk to the nearest park
o Go wading
o Light a candle and read by candlelight
o Pick up some travel brochures and dream
o Smell a flower
o Clean out your wallet
o Take an early morning walk
o Look at old photos
o Run down a hill
o Write a poem
o Start a new project
o Walk barefoot
o Tell a joke
o Take a different road to get home
o Build a sandcastle
o Ask someone for help
o Let someone do you a favor
o Reread a favorite book
o Listen to the dawn
o Imagine being your favorite tree
o Watch the sun set
o Hide a love note where a loved one will find it
o Make a surprise gift
o Go to a fair
o Lie on the grass
o Go for a swim
o Rearrange a room
o Let someone love you
o Drop a quarter where someone will find it
o Hum
o Bake bread
* Self-Actualization Needs:
o Visit a lonely person or a shut-in
o Help a stranger
o Be thankful
o Take a risk
o Do something you’ve always wanted to do
o Say “yes”
o Say “no”
o Meditate
o Throw away something you don’t like
o Try to feel another person’s hurt (or joy)
o Practice courage in one small way
o Warm a heart
o Laugh at yourself
o Send a card to someone for no reason
o Encourage a young person
o Follow an impulse
o Put yourself out for someone
o Acknowledge when you are wrong
o Volunteer some time to a good cause
o Give yourself a present
o Allow yourself to make a mistake
o Allow yourself to make another mistake
o Do something hard to do
o Don’t do something — sit there
o Take time to talk to neighborhood children
One of the wonderful by-products of high self-esteem is that
you become a “Peak Performer.”
Every day you become more aware of your abilities and
recognize that opportunities to stretch your capabilities are limitless. You
desire change, growth, and challenge, and a healthy self-esteem provides the
Peak performers have more than goals, they have a vision of
what their life will mean to themselves and others. Peak performers do not
live in the future. Peak performers make sure each step taken in the present
keeps them on the road toward their life goal.
Peak Performers Can Say:
* I am motivated and have a mission with realistic and measurable
* I accept complete responsibility for everything I think, say, feel,
and do.
* I look for the window of opportunity in every situation and know
that I will learn from every experience if I choose.
* I always help others to do their best, and I encourage everyone to
contribute something.
* I correct my course when I reach an obstacle. This way, when things
go wrong, I am still headed in the right direction.
* I expect and appreciate change. It does not overwhelm me because I
am prepared.
* I stand up for my own opinions and values and respect others.
* I am able to manage myself. I do not require instruction every step
of the way.
* I am not afraid of making mistakes or of taking reasonable risks.
* I am my own coach. I engage in positive self-talk and rehearsal.
* I am a life-long student. I am always ready to learn, and I know
growth takes sustained effort.
* I know myself well and still expect to find hidden talents,
resources, strengths, weaknesses, energy, and interests.
* I respect reality both pleasant and painful.
* I engage in self-confrontation and do not blame others.
* I readily forgive others and myself and correct mistakes when
* I am patient, kind, gentle, and compassionate with myself.
* I have no need to prove I am better or worse than anybody else.